Pink Shirt Day is February 23 - right around the corner! This is a great opportunity to start talking with our kids about inclusion. This can be a big topic, so to make it a little easier we have three family friendly ideas to get your conversation started! Keep reading to learn more!

When someone is alone at recess, invite them to be a part of your game! You might learn something new from them or even make a new friend!

Discussion question: Have you felt left out at recess? How can we make other feel better when they are feeling left out?

If a classmate is struggling to do something, lend a helping hand! This might be helping to tie their shoes, cutting out a picture in art class or reaching something on a shelf they cannot reach!

Discussion question: Have you ever needed help? Has a friend ever help you?

If you see someone being teased, stand up for them! Just because others are calling them names, it does not mean you have to! Speak up or tell an adult to make sure everyone feels welcome! 

Discussion question: What can we say when we see other people being bullied?

Take a stand against bullying this Pink Shirt Day with a pink shirt from our GIVE BACK collection!  25% of revenues will go to support the Centre for Race and Culture in Edmonton to further promote inclusivity in our community.
Jessica Dugan